To Fly Again Read online

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  “Are you offering to shoot it for me?” Lucas asked as the blush crept up Matt’s face once more. “Because I would be honored to have you take the photos.”

  “You’d have to book another photo shoot especially for that. I could arrange for a series of sets to be made for you to be photographed in, and then some outfits, not that you’d need to wear much. Enough to make it artful, so it’s not just you naked and in everyone’s face. Though you might sell even more if you were willing to go fully nude,” Matt said as he looked at Lucas and smiled. The actor smiled back. Matt had already won him over with his idea for the calendar.

  “I’ll book the appointment when I leave here. You know, I think I should hire you as my agent. You have a pretty good head on your shoulders, and I’m sure that you have a lot of ideas in there, don’t you, to help market me to the masses?”

  Lucas parted the top of his leather trousers, revealing the nest of dark curls that surrounded his cock, which was still hidden beneath the leather.

  “I have several ideas, but let’s not discuss that now. We can do that after we’ve finished here.” Matt seemed surprised that Lucas was really interested in what he had to say.

  “Are you just anxious to see me naked?” Lucas said, laughing at the small smile on Matt’s lips. “You know, most people have to pay me to take my clothes off for a movie, but you, my sweet Matt, get to see it because I am paying you to take the pictures.”

  “I’m glad that you chose me for the shoot. I’ve only taken photos of a few Hollywood stars before, and I had preconceived notions about how you would behave, but you’ve changed my opinions about them.”

  “You wouldn’t happen to have thought that we’re all arrogant bastards who don’t give a shit what anyone else wants so long as we get our money and our faces out there, did you?” Lucas asked, cocking one eyebrow as Matt giggled and nodded his head. “That’s what I thought; most people are the same.”

  “I TRY not to make too many assumptions about my clients, since it affects my ability to work with them,” Matt said as he watched Lucas run one hand down his stomach and begin to idly pass his fingers through the dark curls at the apex of his thighs. “Oh my God, Lucas, you are beautiful beyond words.”

  Matt groaned, imagining Lucas pulling out his erect cock and cradling the impressive length in one strong hand. Matt took several quick shots, trying to will the inappropriate thoughts away.

  “So, what do you do with all the photos you take that aren’t used in the magazines? Do you keep them for your own private collection?” Lucas asked. His hands moved to frame his groin. Matt was trying hard not to stare.

  “Some go into my portfolio, and the others are stored so I can use them for other magazines or to auction them off if there’s a big charity event. With the subject’s consent, of course.” Matt knew he was making a fool of himself; he was acting like a schoolboy with his first crush, staring at Lucas the way he was.

  “You don’t have a private stash somewhere that no one is allowed access to, do you?”

  “Not yet, but I might have soon,” Matt said and blushed furiously, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth. He couldn’t believe he’d said that. “God, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

  “Don’t apologize for being so honest about it. It’s nice to hear that you appreciate a good body when you see one.”

  “I still shouldn’t have said that. It’s not the sort of thing you should say to a client.”

  “You know, I wouldn’t mind if you did keep me in your private collection. I could even give you something to make it a memorable collection,” Lucas told him with a wicked smile.

  “Thank you for the offer, but I really should just take the pictures. I have to remain detached and keep my focus.”

  “Now, I don’t really think you believe that. I can see in your eyes and in the way your body reacts that you want more than just to take some photos.” Lucas eased the zipper down to set his cock free and began to lean backward into the pillows, stretching his legs out in front of him.

  Matt closed his eyes briefly. God, he’s even more beautiful than I’d ever imagined him to be. I feel like a schoolboy seeing his first porn magazine all over again, he thought before moving to stand behind the tripod once more.

  The next few minutes passed in silence, with the exception of the sound of the camera shutter.

  LUCAS nestled his head in the pillows while he lifted his hips slightly to ease the supple leather down over his hips. He could see the top of Matt’s head from behind the camera, and he knew that the young man would have a pleasant blush on his face. Jesus, I’m almost old enough to be his father, but there’s just something about the way he looks at me that’s so exciting, revitalizing, even. It’s like he’s seeing inside the persona to the real me, and I can’t help but feel aroused by the way his eyes rake over my body. Is it too much to hope that he’d want something more, that he’d want to be with me despite the age difference? Because Christ, I know I want him to.

  Wriggling his hips, Lucas pulled the leather down over his buttocks and eased them down his legs. He sat up to pull off his boots and socks before sliding the trousers off completely and tossing them onto the floor to pool beside the biker jacket. His chest rose and fell in rapid motion, and he leaned back again, adjusting to the feel of the air on his naked skin and to Matt’s eyes on his body. He reached down and stroked his cock languidly, feeling it throb in his palm while he caressed his balls with his other hand, moving up and down in a slow rhythm he knew the camera would be able to capture. His breath quickened as he rolled his balls gently and brushed his fingers lightly over the head of his cock, capturing the precum anointing the crown.

  Lucas heard the sharp intake of breath from the young photographer when he moved his fingers down and pressed one against his crease, letting the tip slip inside. He closed his eyes and continued to bring himself closer to release, knowing he wouldn’t be able to remain this hard for much longer without it becoming painful. He had to find his release before the shoot could continue, in whatever manner Matt wanted it to.

  Lucas found it increasingly difficult not to thrust his hips upward to meet his hand as he began to stroke his cock faster, spurred on by the little moan that escaped from Matt’s lips. “You like what you see, don’t you, Matt?” Lucas opened his lust-filled eyes and gazed longingly at the camera, for he knew the look wouldn’t go unnoticed by the young man. “Do you want me to moan your name when I cum?”

  “Please… I can’t do this.” Matt looked up with fear in his eyes as he watched the way Lucas was moving and arching up against his hand.

  “Can’t do what? The shoot or letting me call your name?” Lucas asked before he closed his eyes with a guttural cry and his semen spilled over his hand.

  “Let you use my name. I’m not allowed to,” Matt said.

  He dropped the camera trigger and moved away from the tripod, running to the door that led to the balcony. “I’m sorry, I need to be alone for a moment,” Matt called back as he ran through the door onto the terrace.

  MATT leaned heavily on the metal railing, his hands clinging to it so tightly his knuckles had gone white. Breathing deeply, he tried to fight back the memories that assaulted his mind.

  Matt walked into the room and closed his eyes when he felt the hands snake around his hips, drawing him up against the naked body behind him. He moaned and leaned into the embrace, knowing that this was all part of the arranged game. He was going to be seduced while his lover watched.

  No names under any circumstance were to be uttered; otherwise, Matt knew, he would be punished. This seduction was going to be filmed so that Matt could get his face out there to the filmmakers who wanted an innocent countenance and body to star in their movies.

  Matt whimpered as he was slowly undressed and ushered over to the bed. It was only when he was pushed down onto it that he realized everything was not going as planned. His first indicator was that the man who had been undressing him w
asn’t the man he had helped his lover to choose, knowing that he could be trusted not to harm him.

  Matt cried out as he was forced onto the bed. The man climbed up behind him and grabbed Matt’s hands, roughly forced his arms over his head, and chained him to the headboard with metal handcuffs. Matt had had no idea that such a simple request could go so horribly wrong. He cried out and struggled to get free, pulling roughly on the cuffs and looking desperately over at the camera, knowing that his lover stood behind it.

  Matt took a deep breath and tried not to hyperventilate as he shook his head, trying to make the memories disappear. He closed his eyes and heard the all-too-familiar taunt in his mind from that day.

  “It will be all right if you don’t struggle.”

  The taunt had come while his assailant stroked his cheek once before pressing a ball gag into his mouth, forcing him to scream around the offending item. Matt thrashed on the bed, knowing that everything had gone horribly wrong. A stinging slap to the side of his head instantly stilled him. Blood pounded in his ears, and he blinked back the tears that fell freely down his cheeks.

  “That’s a good boy. Don’t struggle and this won’t hurt,” the man told him while he pulled Matt’s legs over his shoulders, leaving Matt open to his advances. Matt cried out around the gag when he was breached in one swift thrust. He could feel his body being torn since he was not prepared.

  None of this was going according to plan, and his lover was doing nothing to stop this man from hurting him. Luckily for Matt, it was all over quickly, but he wasn’t able to stop it from becoming far worse. When the mystery man spilled his semen deep inside Matt’s abused body, he cried out Matt’s name.

  The man was dismissed, and Matt knew he was in trouble when his enraged lover moved toward him. Matt tried to curl up to protect his body when he saw his lover remove his belt. He knew he was going to be on the receiving end.

  “How does he know your name, Matt? Have you spread your legs for him before?” his lover snarled, pulling Matt’s head back painfully by his dark curls.

  Matt shook his head and tried pleading with his eyes; he couldn’t have spoken even if he wanted to. But it did him no good, for his lover didn’t believe him. Matt tried to move away, since he knew what his fate was to be, but he was unable to move far because he was still chained to the bed. He cried out around the gag as he was hit repeatedly, until his lover walked away and left him on the bed, sobbing uncontrollably around the ball gag in his mouth.

  LUCAS wrapped the sheet from the bed around his naked body and made his way over to the door leading to the balcony. Through the glass, he could see the young man clutching the balcony rail like his life depended on it.

  Opening the door, Lucas stepped out onto the balcony.

  Only then could he hear the sobs that racked Matt’s frame; he could see that Matt was clearly distressed.

  “Matt, are you all right?” Lucas asked, trying not to startle the young man.

  “Stay away, please,” Matt said quietly, turning to look at Lucas.

  “It’s okay; I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to see if you were okay. Was it me, did I do something to upset you?” Lucas asked. He could see the pain and fear in Matt’s chocolate-colored eyes.

  “I will be in a few minutes, and no, Lucas, it wasn’t you. It’s nothing that should concern you. Just a past memory assaulting me, nothing more, nothing less. I’ll be back in to finish the shoot in a minute,” Matt told him. He ran a trembling hand through his dark curls and gave Lucas a small smile, as if to convince him that he would be fine.

  “I’m here if you want to talk about it,” Lucas said, then turned and walked back to the door, opening it to go inside once more.

  “Thank you, but I’d rather not, if you don’t mind.”

  Lucas sat on the bed, the sheet still wrapped around him, since he really didn’t want to make Matt any more upset than he already had. It was obvious the young man was battling demons from his past; he could see it in Matt’s eyes when he had asked if he was okay. Matt had looked terrified of him, afraid, almost, that Lucas was going to hurt him. Lucas hoped that Matt would let him in and allow him to help him get past whatever it was that was bothering him.

  He wondered what secrets in Matt’s past were still haunting him. Whatever they were, they were clearly not pleasant memories from the way the young man was reacting.

  Several minutes passed before Matt walked into the studio once more. Brushing tears away from his cheeks, he stopped at the table near his camera bag. He reached into the bag, pulled out a bottle of water, and took a long drink from it before setting it down once more.

  “Lucas, I’m afraid I can’t take any more pictures today. I’m so sorry,” Matt said, looking over at Lucas, who lay against the pillows with the bedsheet wrapped around him.

  “Would you be able to rearrange another time? I can come back to finish the shoot if it’s not too much trouble.”

  Lucas really wanted to see Matt again. He wanted him to shoot the calendar for him and any pictures he wanted in the future.

  “I’ll have Elena arrange something for you,” Matt said as he walked over to the studio door to speak with his receptionist. “I’ll leave you to get dressed.” Looking over his shoulder, he gave Lucas a forced smile, clearly trying not to show his distress.

  Lucas sighed when the door shut softly behind Matt and he was left alone once more. He unwrapped the sheet and stood to pick up his clothes. He could see from Matt’s face that he was embarrassed about having to call an end to the shoot. Lucas realized that he had to make sure Matt knew he was all right with everything. He’d offer to take Matt out for a drink.

  Matt returned to the studio, carrying a small slip of paper with the new appointment on it. Lucas stood looking out the balcony door, dressed once more in the figure-hugging black leather.

  Lucas turned and smiled when he heard Matt enter the room; his eyes met the deep chocolate of Matt’s, and the younger man blushed at being caught looking at him. Lucas moved away from the door and walked over to meet Matt at the foot of the bed.

  “I really am sorry about today.” Matt lowered his eyes at the intensity of Lucas’s gaze. “I’ve managed to get you another appointment for Friday, if that’ll be all right?”

  “That’ll be fine, thank you. And believe me, it’s completely all right. I know sometimes people go through things that make them uncomfortable. I just hope that I didn’t cause it for you,” Lucas said, taking the offered piece of paper. His fingers brushed against Matt’s, and he felt the spark between the two of them as they touched for the briefest of moments.

  “Really, it wasn’t you. Or anything that you did,” Matt said, smiling sweetly. Lucas wondered if he’d also felt the electricity of their touch.

  “Matt, would you come out for a drink with me later, to show that there are no hard feelings about what happened here today?” Lucas asked, holding his breath as he waited for the answer.

  “I would like that, thank you.”

  “Would you like me to pick you up, or do you want to meet me someplace?” Lucas wasn’t sure how Matt would want to proceed. He smiled when the light returned to Matt’s eyes as he accepted the invitation. Lucas was so glad he could make the young man smile again.

  “I’ll meet you,” Matt said. “I know this really great bar. It’s nice and quiet; no one will bother you there.”

  “Thank you for thinking about my privacy,” Lucas said.

  “So what time do you want to meet up, and what’s the name of this great bar?”

  “How about seven thirty? And it’s the Lanet Bar. It was my old college bar.” Matt smiled again, and Lucas hoped he was remembering happier times.

  “Okay, sounds good. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Bye,” Matt said and escorted Lucas out of the studio.

  MATT began to slowly clear the sheets from the bed, ready to put them into the laundry hamper. He sighed as he remembered how Lucas had looked at him throughout the shoot.
He so desperately wanted to allow Lucas the chance to get closer to him, but he was afraid, afraid that Lucas was like Aran and would hurt him. Matt knew he should move on, but he couldn’t. Even now, Aran and what he had done still haunted his every waking moment.

  Aran had been his first love, and he had damaged Matt’s heart and mind beyond repair. He’d ingrained his will upon Matt for so many years that it was hard now for Matt not to carry on those ways that had been drilled into him since he was seventeen. It hadn’t been until he was twenty-one that he had managed to get away from Aran. But that move to escape had nearly cost him his life.

  LUCAS smiled as he watched Matt walk through the door to the small bar that he’d suggested. He knew the young man had chosen the place because of the friendly atmosphere.

  Matt wore black jeans that hugged his delightful bottom and a plain white T-shirt much like the one he had worn earlier in the day. His soft brown eyes searched the bar and then lowered slightly, and he bit his bottom lip nervously when Lucas beckoned him over.

  “Hello, beautiful,” Lucas said, standing to allow Matt to slide into the booth.

  “Hi.” Matt sat down and moved into the corner of the booth. His cheeks were flushed at the compliment.

  “So what can I get you to drink?” Lucas asked as he sat down next to Matt. His whole body was alive with desire for the young man, yet he knew from earlier that Matt couldn’t be rushed. He would have to be slowly seduced.

  “A rum and Coke, please,” Matt told him, suddenly becoming very interested in his lap.

  “It’s okay. You can have anything you like,” Lucas said, reaching out and gently lifting Matt’s chin so he was looking at him once more.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m not used to being treated this way.” Matt gave Lucas a weak smile at the gentle touch.